Development of an innovative energy concept for a new, site-independent and medium-sized site in Switzerland with different types of use.
Global warming affects everyone. Global warming of at least 2 degrees Celsius is expected. This is likely to bring additional changes in humidity and more extreme weather conditions. This presents new challenges for the built environment. The need for summer cooling is increasing. At the same time, the increased use of sustainable energy sources implies seasonal energy storage. What does an energy concept for a site with a view to 2050 have to look like in order to meet these aspects and cover user needs in the longer term?
Three rough concepts were developed for the project, which were discussed and enriched in a panel of experts. As a next step, a synthesis workshop will first be conducted for the overall project. On this basis, the requirement for the degree of innovation for the energy concept will be derived. As the most progressive concept, it is conceivable to design and develop an energy concept with modeled climate data for 2050. The site would thus 2050 climate ready.
The project team is striving for an energy concept that can be implemented using a concrete example in central Switzerland. The aim is to comply with the framework conditions according to Minergie-A-ECO and to supplement them with innovative elements - depending on local conditions. The ideal of a net-zero concept is to be incorporated.
The focus is on a non-urban site of medium size with mixed use. The Energy Strategy 2050 in accordance with the SIA standards serves as the starting point. The project responsibility lies with Strüby Konzept AG, a leading Swiss total services provider, which not only relies on Minergie-A to achieve the climate targets, but also promotes ECO-Bau to ensure the health and well-being of its clientele.