The construction sector is one of the largest emitters of CO2 and consumers of raw materials. 50% of emissions occur in the construction phase.
At the Circular Building UnConference on October 27, 2022, pioneers from research, business and the public sector discussed the question of how CO2 emissions and the consumption of raw materials can be reduced and how the Swiss construction industry as a whole can be made more circular. Around 150 people listened to the eight speakers, all of whom addressed the topic of circularity and sustainability in the construction industry, but from very different angles and with different approaches.
The speakers were:
Adrian Huber from Mammoth , Dr. Simon Wiedemann from Holcim, Kurt Egger - National Council, Dr. Jasmin Mertens from the Office for Waste, Water, Energy and Air, Prof. Dr. Catherine De Wolf - Assistant Professor & Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture (ETH), Kerstin Müller - Dipl. Ing. Architect and Managing Director Circular, Ditte Lysgaard Vind - Circular Economy and Design Expert and Dr. Christof Knoeri - Senior Researcher at the Group for Sustainability and Technology (ETH).
In addition to the speakers, six booster projects, which were supported by the CBI Innovation Booster the chance to pitch their project ideas.
It was a very inspiring day with many exciting impressions and different approaches, but all with the same goal: "Towards a Circular Building Industry".
More about the event in our current LinkedIn post