Train Estates

Train Estates

The Zug Estates Group designs, develops, markets and manages properties in the Zug region. In doing so, it concentrates on centrally located sites that allow a variety of uses and sustainable development. The real estate portfolio consists of the Zentrumsareal/Metalli Zug and Suurstoffi Rotkreuz.
The development of the sites follows strategically defined sustainability principles in the areas of energy, emissions, materials, outdoor space and mobility. Important milestones in this exemplary site development include a CO2-free energy system in Suurstoffi, the construction of Switzerland's first high-rise wooden buildings, the implementation of a self-consumption community, and building with BIM, where Zug Estates has already won the Arc Award twice in the "BIM - Innovation" category.

Philipp Hodel

Head of Corporate Communications

041 729 10 36